Life’s Journey ~ Day 22 ~ Final day :-(

Well, the end has come…I did not make it the full 30 days.  I started failing pretty fast the last couple of days and my husband was extremely worried that I had gone too far.  So my official tally is 21 1/2 days.  In the bigger picture, that sounds incredible.  Now I just have to get myself past all the self bashing.

I feel like I have let so many people down.  I made such a big deal out of going the full 30 days and so many people have been watching and praying for me.  I found my connection to God about a week ago, so I accomplished the main goal I set out to, I needed to get right with God.  I have found myself praying more, soul-searching and just basically discovering myself in God’s world.  I am grasping onto that now as I battle the demons of failure.  They keep whispering in my head about how I failed.  I let everyone down.  How they knew I couldn’t finish yet another task that I have started.  These are the same demons that tell me that I am unworthy of the success that Mona-Vie will bring me.  That I don’t deserve to have nice things and not worry about my bills.  That I am not good enough to offer help to those less fortunate than me.  These are the voices that up until now I chose to listen to exclusively and allow myself to drown in the darkness they bring.  But no more!

Today I offer myself to the world as a contender.  I will no longer hide in the shadows and wallow in self pity.  I will no longer allow myself to be brought down by anyone or anything.  I have to believe that God has big plans for me and that I have to stand up to the task.

My biggest motivations for succeeding with Mona-Vie are:

1) The phenominal health it has brought to my family.  I would feel extreme guilt if I did not at least attempt to share this with anyone and everyone I know.

2) My nephew.  He is autistic and my sister has lived somewhat of a nightmare trying to get him taken care of in school.  My nephew is a joy and he is not the source of my sister’s struggles.  The trouble is getting him schooled.  I want to be able to fund a safe and long term center for autistic children and adults.

3) I need to prove to myself that I can finish something I start and this is going to be it.  My fast has just proven to me that the Mona-Vie is an extraordinary product.  Without it I would not have made it this far.  People can say whatever they want about the cost, but you are not going to find anything with this kind of nutritional value for any less, especially something that will pay you!!

So, as I end my fast and start moving forward, I pray that I will continue to honor God in all I do and I pray for the best for all of you!!  I invite you to at least consider the benefits and the opportunity that Mona-Vie offers.  What do you have to lose?  Less than $300 investment for your health and the potential to become financially secure.  There is no other opportunity out there that can offer you more.

Thanks for coming by!  God Bless!



Filed under Blogroll

2 responses to “Life’s Journey ~ Day 22 ~ Final day :-(

  1. gary54

    Jena, congratulations on your success. You went 21+ days! That is so outstanding. You must consider that in our culture, fasting is not a normal thing. Had you more practice at it, I’m sure that you would make it. It is not our culture though.

    Please keep writing your blog and keep striving for success in your life. You don’t have to struggle to connect with God, just let it happen. Have you ever heard of Centering Prayer? It’s where we stop talking and start listening to God.

    And just a quick thought on prayer. Well, I like to put it “be careful what you wish for, you might get it.” The truth is, we don’t have any idea of what we want or need. We don’t know how everything that happens to us has a bigger purpose than we might see. The Bible tells us that God knows what we want and need even before we ask for it. Since this is the case, I choose to believe that when we pray, our prayers should be praising God and not asking for this and that. He will provide for us and take much better care of us if we just trust in Him.

    I am sure that He is pleased with your efforts. No need to apologize or worry about letting some mere mortals down. If they are not for you and don’t support you, then they are against you and this is too bad. God will always be for you. Me too!

    • Gary it’s good to hear from you. Thank you for the great words of encouragement. Sometimes it’s just nice to hear.

      I have definitely learned my lesson on what I pray for! For instance…I NEVER pray for patience!! For the God will put me in more situations that I must learn patience. Lately I just pray that I am a good steward with the gifts that He has blessed me with. I pray that I honor Him in all my day to day activities. I pray that I let His light shine in all that I do. I pray for the health and safety of my friends and family. Anything else is just materialistic and not necessary. If God chooses to bless me in my ventures then it is because He has plans for how I am to use those blessings to help others.

      Gary, you are doing such a great job on your commitment to quitting drinking. Don’t worry about the slip ups…that just proves that we are mere humans. I am looking forward to reading more from you!!

      To anyone interested…you can support Gary in fighting his demons HERE. Please help me show him the support he needs and join me in being an accountability partner for him!

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